Custom Change your Chart of Accounts Service

Custom Change your Chart of Accounts Service

Customising my Chart of Accounts as to how it should appear in Xero

With this service, you select how you want the Chart of Accounts to appear in Xero, prior to conversion. The full desktop file history will then present in Xero as though it had been run through this new Chart of Accounts.

Note : You cannot receive the monthly comparatives option if you choose a custom change your Chart of Accounts service.

Creating the custom or standard Chart of Accounts for Xero

To select the desired custom chart of accounts you need a reference .csv file.
  1. The easiest way is to export a chart of accounts from an existing organisation in Xero and use that as the template.
  2. Alternatively, you can download a template from the Xero website or create your own file from scratch.
    1. Chart of Accounts template for AU
    2. Chart of Accounts template for NZ
    3. Chart of Accounts template for US
  3. If you want to create your own file from scratch then:
    1. The file must be in CSV (Comma Separated Values) format with the extension “.csv”.
    2. If you use Microsoft Excel to create the file then any leading zero’s might be removed from account no’s etc. Make sure you format the columns as text or alternatively use a text editor like Notepad.
    3. Maximum 695 Accounts in file (Including header row).
    4. Need at least the following data columns and in this order:
      1. Code (Max 10 char’s)
      2. Name (Max 150 char’s)
      3. Type (Check Xero Account types) 

Loading & mapping the Chart of Accounts

This option can be selected from the normal package selection page. It will add $150 to the cost of your selected conversion package.

Here is more information with screengrabs on how to load and map your Chart of Accounts.

Following the conversion, your Action Checklist will contain details of how the Accounts were mapped.

  1. Automapped accounts are highlighted in green and manually mapped accounts are highlighted in blue.
  2. You can change or undo any mapping by just dragging it back to the left-hand side.
  3. You can multi-select accounts by using the “Shift” or “Ctrl” keys when clicking.
  4. Using the Tabs at the top of the grid to filter the data, makes it easier to find a specific account.

Can you apply report codes as part of this process?

Not at the moment. Once you have customised the chart of accounts please see the options for adding the report codes post-conversion: 
Option 1: Review & Map accounts - Please see here for assistance 
Option 2: Import Report codes - if you have used report codes in another organisation you export and import the report codes. Please see here for assistance. 

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