Australian accepted tax codes
The image below displays the standard tax codes that are accepted by Xero in Australia:
The source file will require adjustments if you have used tax codes that are other than 0 and 10% as Xero does not accept these. For example, codes such as Wine Equalisation Tax.
As part of our service we aim to fix this during the conversion process on your behalf:
Australian Tax codes <10%
- If these custom tax codes have NOT been applied to any transactions we will simply delete these tax codes.
- If transactions have been entered into the source file using a tax code that is not 0% or 10% but is less than 10% then the transaction will convert into Xero as 0% and a secondary line will be created to capture the correct tax amount.
For Example: If a rate of 5.5% has been used then the transactions will convert into Xero as 5.5%, we will create the transaction with a second line to include the 5.5% GST portion. This will ensure that the tax matches the source file.
Example of transaction using 5.5%
Example transaction as per import into Xero:

If you have provided us with a Read-Only file you will need to fix the tax codes yourself and re-upload a new file for conversion.

NOTE: The above option is only available for Desktop versions.
Non-standard tax codes will need to be changed to standard tax codes in all Online platforms
Australian Tax codes used >10 %
- If tax codes are used that are greater than 10% then the only way we are able to convert this file is if you can remove this particular tax code from the source file. You will also need to change the tax rate both on the Tax Codes list and on any transactions associated with this code. For WET/WEG please see here.
- Once you have removed the tax codes please load the updated file to us for conversion.
NOTE: During the mapping stage of the conversion you may be asked to map some tax codes. If it is a Standard package and you have not taken action on this in two business days, Jet Convert will perform this step on your behalf.
This identifies how these tax rates will be set up in the Chart of Accounts in Xero. Please note that these Tax Codes will NOT be mapped as per this selection retrospectively.

Please see
here for additional assistance with non-standard tax codes in Xero post-conversion.
United States
US non-standard tax codes
If the tax code used in an Invoice is a non-standard tax code, during the conversion we will bring in each description line and the Invoice will include an additional line to address the total tax. This ensures that the total tax figure is converted correctly. This is applied to all invoices both open and closed.

If you need to make changes to an open invoice, the new tax figure may not update automatically and you may need to adjust the invoice to ensure the new tax figure is correct.