Customer Job tracking

Customer Job tracking

Customer Job tracking

Reckon & QuickBooks Desktop sometimes lists Customers as "Customer Jobs". They can be listed in two ways:

  1. Header Customer - This will count as a job and will also convert as Tracking and a Contact in Xero.
  2. Sub Customer - In the list of customers if they are indented under another main customer, and in the customer card states it is a Job it is deemed as a Job and not a Customer. This will count as Tracking and will not convert as a contact in Xero. The Invoice will display the Header Customer as the Contact in Xero and any ship to's will be included in the body of the invoice. The Job now tracking in Xero will be combined with the header account eg. Header Customer: Sub Customer

In this instance, due to the way tracking/jobs has been set up in QBE it may not be associated with tracking on a detail level in Xero. Please see below for instructions to add this post conversion. Once you have set up the tracking categories please see below:  

Option 1: Find and Re-code 

You can use find and recode to allocate tracking to the necessary transactions. Find and re-code in Xero is a fantastic tool to easily update or re-assign transactions. 

Option 2: Monthly Manual Journals 

If there are too many transactions to update you could possibly use a monthly manual journal to bring in the tracking information. Please run a job/tracking profit and loss and then use this to formulate the manual journal to incorporate tracking.
For additional information in regards to Manual Journals please see here .

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