The total jobs includes all active, inactive, and header jobs plus categories.
To find out how many jobs are in your file List>Jobs> Print ensuring that you tick "Include Zero Balances" in the Header otherwise the count will be incorrect.
NB: If you have received an email from us say your count is higher than your report it is likely that the "Include Zero balances" has not been ticked.
To delete the jobs from MYOB please complete the following.
NOTE: We recommend completing the above on a 'copy' of the MYOB file so that you can review the original MYOB file if necessary. Also note that this is normally only an option in older versions of MYOB and not available in all versions.
Reckon and QuickBooks
To find out how many classes are in your file:
Go to
Lists >Class Lists > Select then to remove Right Click Delete
In Reckon and QuickBooks Desktop often the Customers are setup as jobs to check this run Reports > Jobs, Time & Mileage > Job Profitability Summary this will list all the jobs. Unfortunately there is no way to reduce this number without deleting customers and customers cannot be deleted if they have transactional data against them.
NOTE: If the 500 limit is impacted by Customer or Supplier jobs then you will be unable to limit the number of jobs so you may consider a custom conversion, to either include or opt not to convert into Xero.