Inventory Items

Inventory Items

All items are created in Xero with their item codes, descriptions and purchase and sales details.

What we Convert

  1. Item number and item name
  2. Base Sales Price
  3. Standard cost
  4. COGS and Inventory $
  5. COGs and Inventory Accounts
  6. Item Description:
    1. Note: there is not just a ‘description’ in Xero, there is a sales description and a purchase description
    2. We always merge name and description as Xero sales/purchase description
    3. Note that the item name/description will be converted into the inventory Sales Description in Xero, regardless of whether the item is bought or sold
If you select a transactional history service you receive postings for sales and purchases, sales value and purchase value.

Please note that active and archived Inventory will be converted.

What we DO NOT Convert

The following will NOT come across as part of the conversion and will require updating in the Xero organisation:
  1. Time-billing / Activities
  2. Locations 
  3. Last Purchase Price
  4. Restocking information including primary supplier
  5. Quantity on Hand
  6. Bill of materials - Xero does not handle this data therefore it can not be replicated. 
  7. Negative Inventory  - contact for steps on how to amend the file for conversion.
If the Accounts associated with inventory items has been changed in the past it may restrict the amount of history that can be delivered.

Converting Untracked Inventory to Tracked in Xero

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