While in Xero go to your "MyXero" home page. If the new organisation that we have created for you is not there it is possible that you have not yet accepted the Xero subscription from us.
You should have received an email from Xero which says:

"Jet Convert has invited you to take over the subscription for <organisation name> on Xero. This will allow you to manage billing and payment information for the subscription.
To accept this invitation please use the following link: "
When you click on this link you have the choice to:
- Create a Login with Xero (if you do not already have a login set up with Xero) or
- Log in now (if you do have a login set up with Xero).
The link from Xero is only valid for 14 days so please accept it as soon as possible. If the link has expired please contact support@jetconvert.com .
Why do I have a balance in an AR/AP Original account?

Please see
here for information regarding AR/AP Original Accounts and why we create them.
Why is the conversion date locked?
Generally, this is done so that you cannot accidentally make amendments to the conversion balances and impact the integrity of the converted data. More from Xero on lock dates
We couldn't find the 'Other Expense' option?
As Xero doesn't have an 'Other Expense' account type the solution for this would be to use the 'Other Income' account type for this account. It will then show under the 'Other Income/Expense' section of the P&L by default. Alternatively, you could use the report layout editor to manually move an Expense type account to the 'Other Income/(Expense)' section of the P&L.
Why does my Cash account appear as liabilities?
This is likely due to a switch rule that's applied to the 'Cash and Cash Equivalents' group within the Balance Sheet report by default. The switch rule is set up to automatically move assets to the Liabilities section when they have a negative balance.
Once you've made the change to the report layout, you can
save it as a custom report which you can then use as the default report so you won't need to make this change each time you view the report.