Limited Transaction Options

Limited Transaction Options

If you are starting afresh or have really messy data then a transaction free or limited transactions service is for you.  You get to choose which service you want on the service selection page.

$0 Balances

This conversion gives you all the business information and sets the conversion balances to $0 so that you can add them in yourself later. Good if you need some more tidy up before the accounting data in your file is reliable or is not relevant moving forward.
  1. Contacts
  2. Chart of Accounts
  3. Items
  4. Payroll setup (with $0 balances, all employee details, pay items and templates – Australia only)
  5. Opening balances set at $0.
You do not get any transactions, invoices/bills (open or closed), credit notes, bank transactions, manual journals or payments.

Current Month Transactional History

This option gives you all the business information and includes the account balances as at the last day of the prior month and all transactions from the start of the current month.
  1. Contacts
  2. Chart of Accounts
  3. Items
  4. Payroll setup (with payroll balances, all employee details, pay items and templates – Australia only)
  5. Open invoices and bills (note: if 2013 or earlier they may not convert)
  6. Transactions from the start of the current month
Uncoded transactions will not convert.
Both of these options also have the option of adding MCBs to them for extended reporting data should you need them.
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