Frequently asked questions for first time conversions

Frequently asked questions for first time conversions

How does it work?

You will be asked to upload a desktop file or provide access to your online company. We will replicate the data from your accounting software in Xero.

If you use the regular service subsidised by Xero we will create the Xero Organisation and send you a link to take it over from us when complete.

If you are converting into an existing Xero Organisation we will use that Organisation and populate it with the source data.
  1. Accounting software versions converted

How long does a conversion take?

Conversions can take up to 3 business days for MYOB desktop files and up to 5 business days for all other software types, but are usually faster than that. It will depend on the size of the database and the amount of data being converted.

How much history?

Xero subsidises the current and previous financial/fiscal year of transactional history including invoices with line item detail*. You can purchase additional data up for as many years as required*. 

* As long as the data exists in the source software. Please see this important consideration for MYOB desktop files.

Xero only allows conversion balances to be added as far back as 2006 however we can work around this and have done 30 year conversions.

What is converted?

We aim to convert the data as it is in the source file so you can hit the ground running by converting:
  1. Invoices and bills - full line item detail and payments attached if applicable
  2. Payroll Setup (Australia) - Employees, Leave accruals, Pay template & calendars, Opening balances - if you have more than 50 paid employees read here
  3. Contacts
  4. Chart of accounts - same as your source file - if you don't want this check out our custom service
  5. Inventory Items
  6. Jobs, Categories and Classes - if you have more than 100 read here
Want to know more - read How data converts.

What does not convert?

Some information will not be converted such as:
  1. PDF attachments
  2. Payruns - see how we convert this data
  3. Multicurrency
See Other Considerations or email if you have specific requirements that you would like to discuss.

Can I convert my data into a 30-day free trial?

As part of the agreement with Xero, we don't offer free conversions into a Xero 30-day trial. You're welcome to start a trial or try the demo to see if Xero is right for you, and you can take advantage of this free conversion service if and when you're ready. We will create an Xero organization for you, so there is no need to set anything up in Xero yourself.

How do I get started?

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